Elevate your expertise with the Doctorate in Science (D.Sc.) from Dunster Business School. Achieve the highest qualification in Science and Research, opening doors to top roles in Research, Consultancy, and Academia. Join today to become a leading professional and drive change in the field.
Doctorate in Science by Dunster Business School: Study for perfection ✔️ Get 100 Hours of live online sessions ✔️ Experienced Trainers ✔️ 100% Job Support in 200+ Top Companies. Join now
Key Features
- World-Class Pedagogy: Taught by knowledgeable instructors using innovative techniques.
- Comprehensive Support System: 24x7 End-to-End Assistance
- Industry-Aligned: Developed in consultation with top MNCs to meet market needs.
- Recognized Degree: Equivalent to on-campus Doctorate credentials
- Flexible Duration: Complete in 2-4 years with fast-track options
About This Course
What is Doctorate in Science?
The Doctorate in Science (D.Sc.) is a prestigious professional degree created to meet the growing demand for advanced training in scientific research and applications, representing the highest level of qualification in science and research. Graduates can pursue top-tier roles in research and development, consultancy, or academia as full-time or adjunct professors.
Who Should Attend?
- Advanced Researchers
- Industry Leaders
- Aspiring Academics
- Specialized Scientists
- Bridging Industry-Academia
- Global Achievers
Key Offerings
- Training: 100 Hours of Two-Way Live Online Interactive Sessions
- Projects: Facility to undergo projects in Article Dissertation, Designing Research & more
- Masterclass: Access to 12+ Masterclass Sessions for essential soft skill development
- Membership: 36 Months of Membership of Kodakco for Doctorate in Science
- E-Learning: Free access to E-learning Portal and future updates. Get access to PPTs, self-paced Video based learning, library, practice tests, and doubt sessions.
- Certification: Earn a Doctorate degree from Dunster Business School
- Placement: Get 3 in 1 Placement support through Placement Drives, Premium access to the Job portal & Personalized Job Consulting
Trainers at Kodakco
- Most respected industry experts with 17+ years of working experience and recognized by numerous organizations over the years for their work
- They have delivered 450+ keynote classes for the Doctorate in Science
- Have delivered 550+ lectures and are currently empaneled as domain experts with Kodakco
Gold Membership Benefits
- Avail 36 months of Gold Membership of Kodakco Management Academy that includes E-Learning Access through recorded Videos, Games, Projects, CPDSPe Studies
- Access to Masterclass Sessions
- Earn the Prestigious Dunster Business School / Kodakco Alumni Status and become one of the reputed 12000+ Alumni across the globe.
- Experience Industry Projects during the training
Key Takeaways
- Understand the principles of research and data collection methods
- Enhance your knowledge regarding dissertation
- Deepen the knowledge of specialized subjects
- Gain expertise in designing, conducting and publishing a high quality research
- Effectively write academic articles and convey complex ideas
- Gain skills required for quality presentation
- Enhance skills and expertise for efficiently grow in competitive market
- Learn about the process of publishing a good research
- On completion of Doctorate in Science (D.Sc), become eligible for various Job Roles
Module 1: Thesis management
- Scope and Significance
- Types of Research
- Research Process
- Characteristics of Good Research
- Identifying Research problem
- Meaning of Sampling Design
- Steps in sampling
- Criteria for good sample design
- Types of Sample Design
- Probability and non-probability sampling methods
- Meaning of Measurement
- Types of scales
Review of Literature
- Data Collection
- Types of Data
- Sources of Data Collection
- Methods of Data collection
- Constructing questionnaire
- Establishing, reliability and validity
- Data processing
- Coding, Editing and tabulation of data
- Meaning of Report writing
- Types of Report
- Steps of report writing
- Precautions for writing report
- Norms for using Tables
- Charts and diagram
- Appendix: - Index, Bibliography
Module 2: General Research Methodology
- Meaning and importance of Research
- Types of Research
- Selection and formulation of Research Problem
- Meaning of Research Design
- Need of Research Design
- Features of Research Design
- Inductive, Deductive and Development of models
- Developing a Research Plan
- Exploration, Description, Diagnosis, Experimentation
- Determining Experimental and Sample Designs
- Analysis of Literature Review
- Primary and Secondary Sources
- Web sources
- Critical Literature Review
- Hypothesis
- Different Types of Hypothesis
- Significance
- Development of Working Hypothesis
- Null hypothesis
- Research Methods: Scientific method vs Arbitrary Method
- Logical Scientific Methods: Deductive, Inductive, Deductive-Inductive
- Pattern of Deductive
- Inductive logical process
- Different types of inductive logical methods.
Module 3: Quantitative Research Methods
Introduction to Quantitative Research
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- RQ Hypothesis Course Context Video
- What is Quantitative Research?
- Ethics of Quantitative Research
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- Introduction to the Scientific Method of Research
- Comparing Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Research
- Inductive and Deductive Approaches to Quantitative Research
- Constructing Models
- Session Summary
Exploring Quantitative Research Design
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- Fundamentals of Research Design
- Components of a Research Design
- Characteristics of a Research Design
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- Research Design for Experimental Research Studies
- Research Design for Quasi Experimental Studies
- Research Design for Non-Experimental Research Studies
- Evaluating Quantitative Research Design
- Session Summary
Data Collection for Quantitative Research
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- Defining Surveys
- Exploring Survey Methods
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- The Process of Questionnaire Development
- Designing a Questionnaire
- Designing Rating Scales
- The Art of Asking Questions
- Session Summary
Part 3:
- Session Overview
- Tips to Conduct Effective Surveys
- Ethics of Using Technology in Surveys
- Session Summary
Measurement and Sampling
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- What is Measurement?
- True Score Theory, Estimating Measurement Errors
- Evaluating Validity of Measures
- Evaluating Reliability of Measures
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- Basic Concepts of Sampling
- Problems and Blases in Sampling
- Probability Sampling
- Non-Probability Sampling
- Session Summary
Part 3:
- Session Overview
- Determining the Sample Size
- Sampling Distribution and Statistical inference
- Demonstrations on Sampling
- Session Summary
Constructing Statistical Models
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- Significance of Comparing Means for Analysis
- What is ANOVA?
- Types of ANOVA
- Calculating and Interpreting One-Way ANOVA
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- Building a Statistical Model
- Effect of Moderating and Mediating Variables
- Demonstration on Mediation and Moderation
- Session Summary
Enhancing Statistical Models
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- What is Factor Analysis?
- Conducting Factor Analysis
- Demonstration on R: Factor Analysis
- Interpreting Factor Scores
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- What is Factorial ANOVA?
- Dealing with Interaction Effects in Factorial ANOVA
- Calculating and Interpreting Factorial ANOVA
- Session Summary
Multivariate Analyses
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- Multivariate regression
- Logistic Regression
- Structural Equation Modeling
- Tree Structured Methods
- Conjoint Analysis
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- Time Series
- Cluster Analysis
- Session Summary
Writing a Quantitative Research Paper
Part 1:
- Session Overview
- Introduction to Formatting the Research Project for Quantitative Research
- Components of a Quantitative Research Paper
- Writing the Summary, Background and Purpose of Quantitative Research
- Writing the Literature Review
- Detailing your Research Design/Methodology
- Curating your Results, Analysis and Supplimentary Findings
- Outlining your Conclusions and Reccomendations
- Making Appendices
- Session Summary
Part 2:
- Session Overview
- Writing Different Types of Quant Papers
- Guidelines for Fine Tuning your Research Presentation
- Session Summary
Module 4: Qualitative Research Methods
Introduction to Qualitative Research
- Key Elements of Qualitative Research
- Writing Qualitative Research Question
- Qualitative Research: Framework
- Steps to Write a Qualitative Research Paper
- Ethics for Qualitative Research and IRB
- Introduction to Design Strategies
- Data-Collection and Analysis Strategies
- Introduction to research design
- Major aspects of research design
Data Collection in Qualitative Research
- Sources of Evidence: A Comparative
- Assessment (Forms-Strengths-Weaknesses)
- Principles of Data Collection
- Sampling
- Reliability and Validity
Interviews and Focus Groups
Introduction to Data Analysis
- An Introduction to Data Analysis
- First Cycle Coding (Description +Demo)
- Second Cycle Coding (Description +Demo)
- Jottings and Analytic Memoing (Description +Demo)
- Assertions and Propositions (Description +Demo)
- Within Case and Cross-Case Analysis (Description+Demo)
Data Display and Exploration
- Matrix and Networks
- Timing, formatting
- Extracting Inferences and Conclusions
- Exploring Fieldwork in Progress
- Exploring Variables
- Exploring Reports in Progress
Data Analysis Process - Next Steps
- Describing Participants
- Describing Variability
- Describing Action
- Ordering by time
- Ordering by process
- Explaining Interrelationship-Change
- Explaining Causation
- Making Predictions
Verifying Conclusions
- Tactics to achieve integration among diverse pieces of data
- Tactics to sharpen understanding by differentiation
- Tactics of seeing relationships in data abstractly
- Tactics to assemble a coherent understanding of data
- Tactics for testing or confirming findings
- Standards for quality of conclusions
Writing Report and New Technologies
- Other methods in Qualitative Research
- Audiences and Effects
- Different aspects / apa
- An Introduction to Mixed Methods Research
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