Top 50 Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and Answers 2024

It is a challenging task to demonstrate your technical expertise during Salesforce Admin Interview Questions. The vast majority of interviewers aren’t trying to find evidence that you’re an authority in any particular subject. When answering the salesforce admin Interview Questions, be careful not to come across as desperate.

The point is not to wax lyrical but to show off your knowledge in a concise and thorough response. You should show that you are willing to continue further if the interviewer wants you to, but also pause so they can go on to another topic.


Most Asked 50 Salesforce Admin Interview Questions and Answers


1. Tell Me About Salesforce. 

Answer: Salesforce provides an extensive suite of business solutions, including tools for analytics, application development, customer care, and marketing automation. All the way through a customer’s lifetime, this platform allows businesses to manage their interactions and data with ease as a result of using scalable and easily accessible cloud-based solutions. Moreover,  it enhances various areas, such as marketing, sales, and customer support.


2. What Are The Distinctions Between A Public And Private Cloud?

Answer: The answer is that many different types of businesses all around the world use public clouds, which share resources like servers, storage, and networks. These companies are known as tenants in the cloud.

Organizations can benefit from private clouds in a number of ways. One is that they can keep their infrastructure and services running on their private network. Through the personalization of private resources, it enables the company to fulfill the needs of specific business requirements.


3. What Additional Products Does Salesforce Offer Besides CRM?

Answer: Over the years, Salesforce Course has amassed an extensive suite of complementary products to meet the needs of its clientele better. An important selling point is their seamless ability to collaborate in order to offer a holistic view of the customer.

The business also offers Slack, Commerce Cloud, Marketing Cloud, MuleSoft, Salesforce, Experience Cloud, and more. For an extensive overview of Salesforce’s products and services, please refer to the following link.


4. In What Ways One Can Use Cloud Computing?

Answer: Cloud computing services can be delivered through four distinct deployment modes, which are contingent upon the organization’s scale and structure. Four distinct modes of cloud computing deployment are

  • Public Cloud.
  • Private Cloud.
  • Hybrid Cloud and
  • Community Cloud.


5. What Is The Distinction Between A Profile And A Role? 

Answer: Distinction between a Salesforce role and profile:

The term ‘role’ in Salesforce denotes the user’s hierarchical position within the organization and is an essential attribute for regulating record access in accordance with the user’s hierarchical standing.

The concept of a ‘profile’ in Salesforce, on the other hand, governs user access to data and objects, as well as their functionalities within the application. Permissions at both the object and field levels are included, encompassing field-level security, CRUD operations, and access to a range of application features such as layout customization and visibility.


6. Describe PaaS

Answer:  The preferred terminology for “Platform as a Service” is “PaaS.” In the context of “PaaS,” hardware, operating system (OS), storage, and network services are all delivered by cloud service providers. It is just as it is to rent. In the absence of a service such as a platform, applications would not exist. Platforms upon which applications are constructed.


7. Define SaaS.

Answer: By utilizing the SAAS( Software as a service) service, every software application is distributed throughout the cloud. SaaS eliminates the necessity for software installation, as all software is easily accessible via the internet.


8. Define LaaS.

Answer: The complete form “Infrastructure as a Service” is the symbol for IaaS. IaaS is a model in which cloud service providers furnish infrastructure components such as storage, hosting, and servers. The fundamental services that cloud service providers offer are servers and storage.


9. Quickly Explain What An Object Is In Salesforce.

Answer: Salesforce objects serve as database tables that house an organization’s data. They are the two main categories of objects in Salesforce.

  • A salesforce’s standard objects contain things like accounts, contacts, opportunities, leads, cases, campaigns, products, contracts, dashboards, and so on.
  •  Everything that a user has changed in Salesforce is considered a custom object. It keeps a company’s crucial and distinct data. You may create your own user interface tabs, fields, page layouts, relationships, and more with custom objects.


10. What Is A Salesforce Junction Object?

Answer: When working with Salesforce, junction objects are great for creating many-to-many relationships. Recruiting applications are an excellent example because they allow numerous individuals to apply for a single job opening or for a single candidate to apply for multiple positions. For the purpose of linking the data model, the object “job application” is called a junction object in this context. “Job Application” serves as the junction object in this particular instance.


11. Definition of a Roll-up Summary field

Answer: Values from related entries, like those in a related list, are calculated by a roll-up summary field. A master record’s value can be displayed using the values of fields in a detail record through the creation of a roll-up summary field. There has to be a master-detail relationship between the detail record and the master record.


12. How Many Varieties Exist in the Roll-Up Summary Field

Answer: According to the Winter 2016 version, the default limit for the Max Roll-Up Summary Field per item went up from 10 to 25. There is an object-specific hard-coded limit of 40 for roll-up summary fields.


13. Can You Explain the Object Relationship Overview?

Answer: The object relationship overview in Salesforce establishes a related list that connects records of custom objects to records of standard objects. Product failures in connected customer cases can be better tracked with this. By adding custom relationship fields to objects in Salesforce, users can specify various kinds of relationships.


14. Why Does Salesforce Occasionally Lose Data?

Answer: Many things can go wrong with Salesforce and lead to data loss, such as

  • Modifying information and time.
  • Transferring data from different formats to percentage, numerical, and monetary.
  • Adapting to new forms of multi-select fields, for example, from checkboxes and auto numbers to others.
  • Transforming a multi-select picklist of any type, excluding the picklist type.
  • Using auto-number for everything except text now.
  • Swapping between the text field and the e-mail, phone, URL, and text fields.


15. What Are The Advantages Of Saas For Salesforce?

Answer: Customers have the freedom to cancel their subscription at any moment without any consequences, except for the inability to use Salesforce because SaaS is subscription-based. Users can save a ton of money on startup costs and investments by using SaaS. Applications provided as a service (SaaS) rely on an intuitive web interface and seamless integration.


16. The Methods By Which One Can Store Images, Documents, And Files On Salesforce.Com.

Answer: In, the following file, document, and image formats are supported:

  • Attachments
  • Documents
  • Google Drive
  • Libraries
  • Chatter Files


17. Which Fields Comprise The Preset Index?

Answer: Fields indexed by default in Salesforce are:

  • Primary Keys: Name, ID, and owner fields)
  • Foreign Keys: Lookup and Master-Detail Relationship Field
  • Audit Dates: LastModifiesDate and SystemModstamp
  • Custom Fields ( External ID or unique)


18. Are You Familiar With Tab?

Answer: The term ‘TAB’ denotes a user interface element implemented in Salesforce that serves the purpose of organizing data within the application. It facilitates effortless navigation for users across multiple sections of Salesforce applications and records. Standard TABs, which are pre-designed for everyday objects such as Contacts and Accounts, and custom TABs, which users can generate for specialized objects or to integrate external web content, are the two categories of TABs available in Salesforce. The utilization of TABs facilitates the systematic organization of data and the effective retrieval of information on the Salesforce platform.


19. Please Define a Fiscal Year.

Answer: Governments and businesses use twelve months called a Fiscal Year for accounting and financial reporting purposes. Fiscal years, in contrast to calendar years, have more leeway to begin and end on a sliding scale depending on organizational needs or tax deadlines. It is an essential time for endeavors such as financial analysis, budgeting, and planning, which are customized to correspond with particular business requirements and tax planning strategies.


20. In What Ways Does Salesforce.Com Facilitate Relationships?

Answer: Lookup relationships and Master-detail relationships are the two main kinds of relationships that Salesforce can identify.


21.  Define The Trigger.

Answer: Before or after inserting or updating a record, a specific code is executed; this code is called the trigger.


22. How Are Workflows And Triggers Different?

Answer: Among the many Salesforce Interview Question , this one comes up very often. The evaluation and rule criteria provide the basis for an automated procedure known as workflow, which fires an action. Once the record is modified or entered, the code that executes afterward is called Trigger, as mentioned earlier.


23. Which Sort Of Portals Does Salesforce Support?

Answer: Three distinct varieties of Salesforce portals exist:





24. Define The Time-Sensitive Workflow.

Answer: Time-dependent actions are executed at predetermined intervals prior to the closure of the record. Once the allotted time has passed, the workflow rule proceeds to reassess the record. It verifies that the criteria of the workflow rule are satisfied prior to the workflow rule executing any actions.


25.  What Is The Process For Clearing The Time-Based Workflow Action Queue?

Answer: The time-based workflow action queue can be cleared in two different ways:

  • Eliminate the queued actions that are scheduled.
  • Inverting the criteria to falsehood


26. Can You Tell Me What Causes Data Loss?

Answer: The following are some potential causes of data loss:

  • Data and date-time changes in Salesforce
  • Changing other data kinds to percentages, numbers, and coinage
  • Swapping out the picklist, checkbox, and auto-number for something else
  • Modifying any type to multi-select picklist with the exception of picklist
  • Using auto-numbering with the exception of text
  • Swapping between the text field and the e-mail, phone, URL, and text fields


27. How Can We Use SF To Develop Apps?

Answer: In Salesforce, we have the option to build two kinds of apps:

Custom apps:  You can utilize these apps in any kind of business situation. The market uses it extensively.

Console app: This type of app can only be utilized in the client service industry, where the primary focus is on resolving client difficulties. In comparison, its market penetration is low.


28. Is It Possible To Utilize The Same Profile For Several Users? Could A Single Person Have Two Profiles Created For Them?

Answer: An individual’s permissions within Salesforce are defined by their profile.

Any number of users in a Salesforce organization can have access to the same profile. Take a company’s sales or service team as an example. Every single member of the team can view the identical profile. The admin has the option to build a single profile for the whole sales team. This profile will grant access to all the objects needed by the organization, including leads, campaigns, contacts, and more.

This feature allows for the assignment of a single profile to several users. It is possible to grant the team leader access to more records by designating specific permission settings for that person.


29. Can You Explain An Apex Transaction?

Answer: One way to depict a series of operations is with an apex transaction. All of these steps are carried out simultaneously, and the success or failure of each step determines the outcome. The reason is that if even a single operation goes wrong with Apex, the whole transaction may be undone, and no data is ever committed to the database. There is one unit of operation represented by the operations that fall inside the transaction boundary. While code executes in Apex as part of atomic transactions, data integrity is guaranteed by the Apex transactions. 

Calls to external code from the transaction boundary and all DML activities in Apex Transactions reflect a single unit only. 


30. What are the key differences between and

Answer: The key differences between and are: 

  • follows the Service model, and follows the SaaS model.
  • With, you get three essential products—

Sales Cloud, 

Marketing Cloud, and 

Service Cloud (ready to go right out of the box.) 

If you’re interested in purchasing Sales Cloud, you can gain access to reports, opportunities, and leads.

  • Contrary to popular belief, does not provide a ready-made answer. It is unable to gain access to accounts, leads, or opportunities.
  • Furthermore, from a technical perspective, and are synonymous since is constructed on top of


31. Define Visualforce.

Answer:  For the platform, Visualforce provides a framework. It is a markup language that relies on components. It enables the definition of Salesforce user interface components. Visualforce pages allow you to personalize your user interface, but the page layout functionality makes it easy to configure the user interface.


32. Is It Possible To Make Changes To An Apex Class Or Trigger In A Live Environment? Are you able to make changes to a Visualforce page while it’s in its life?

Answer:  Unfortunately, in the production environment, we are unable to edit apex classes and triggers directly.

It is necessary to update an apex trigger or class in the Developer edition, testing org, or sandbox org before proceeding. Once that is done, we can put it into production. The triggers and classes can only be deployed by an apex-permission user.

However, you may create and edit Visualforce pages in both the production and sandbox environments.


33. Can You Tell Me How The Action Function Differs From Action Support?

Answer: We may compare and contrast the following features of Action support and Action function to better grasp their differences:

To invoke a controller method using an Ajax request, you can use either action support or action function.

The following is the distinction between the two:

  • A controller method can be called from within an action function in JavaScript.
  • After calling the controller method, the action function provides Ajax support for another Visualforce component.
  • Action functions cannot support Ajax to other components. However, the controller method can receive a call to an action function from an Ajax-supported component (onclick, onblur, etc.).


34. Can You Tell Me How Dynamic Dashboards Vary From Static Ones?

Answer: Any user can see the default dashboards, which are called static dashboards. Provide a group of people with access to company-wide data using this tool.

Personalized Data for each user is displayed using dynamic dashboards. Displaying user-specific statistics, like the amount of sales closed or leads converted, is possible with its help.


35. Is Data.Com Record Count Limited?

Answer: The amount of records that Salesforce users can access is limited. To aid with marketing and sales efforts, offers access to a database containing firm and business-to-business (B2B) contact information.

The Salesforce edition and license level determine the maximum number of records that a Salesforce organization can access.


36. What Exactly Is A Lookup Relationship, External Lookup And Self-Relationship? 

Answer: A lookup relationship describes the connection between the two items. You can look up one item to another by connecting two object links using a lookup relationship. One-to-many or one-to-one might be used.

A parent object can be linked to a child object via the external lookup relationship. An external, custom, or standard object might be the child object. Finding the proper mapping between a child item and its external parent is what it’s used for. Values from the External ID are compared to the fields that contain the external lookup relationship values. 

As a person, you are gazing up at the same thing. The self-relationship generates an object tree diagram. As an object, “merchandise” is an excellent example to consider. Two accounts can have relationship merchandise made in this way. There is a self-relationship here.


37. Tell Me About The Permission Sets. 

Answer: To increase a user’s functional access without editing their profile, you can create a permission set, which is a collection of settings or permissions. Regardless of their function, different kinds of users can have access to more features with the use of permission sets. Instead of spending time creating a profile, you could just make a permission set.


38. Characterize The Skinny Table And What Factors Must Be Taken Into Account.

Answer:  Avoiding joins is possible with skinny tables by accessing the most commonly used fields. List views and reports are two examples of read-only processes that can benefit from the performance optimizations of skinny tables. The reason these tables are so effective is that they sync with the source tables anytime any modification is made to a source table. 

Get in touch with Salesforce’s support staff if you want to use skinny tables with your Salesforce account. The reason is you need help making these tables. Hence, in order to make these narrow tables, you should get in touch with Salesforce’s customer service. 

Here are some things to keep in mind with the slender table:

  • It is not possible to store values from other objects in the table.
  • There is a limit of 100 columns for skinny tables. 
  • These narrow tables are easily replicable across the entire organization. 


39. What Exactly Is @Future Annotation?

Answer:  Using future annotations allows us to specify which methods are run asynchronously. Method specifications benefit much from future annotations as well. 

When all of Salesforce’s necessary resources are accessible, the method with the @future annotation is run. 


40. Explain How To Add Pagination To A Visualforce Page.

Answer:  To answer your question, yes, pagination is a feature in Salesforce that allows you to display many pages worth of records. The list control uses pagination, also known as controller extension, to adjust the page size, as it displays 20 records per page.


41. What Is A Wrapper Class?

Answer: The definition of a wrapper class is a data structure that also functions as a class. It is a collection of things that make up instances of this abstract data type. The characteristics of the Wrapper class define its fundamental nature, which is that of a bespoke object. Records can be processed for a specified action after being checked from a list.


42.  Have You Heard Of The Sharing Rule?

Answer: A user can gain more access by following sharing rules, which are all about making sharing available to people in different roles, public groups, and organizations. Record ownership or some other criterion is typically used for this.

 43. How Is Database.Insert() Different From Insert()?

Answer: In the event that the insert method fails to insert the record, the system will display an error message, and no records will be inserted. However, if the developer employs a database. insert(). Bulk insertions can be allowed to be incomplete.


44. Can You Tell Me What You Know About Salesforce’s Validation Rules?

Answer: Before the user saves a record, validation rules evaluate the data in one or more fields to see if it meets the standards that are specified. A “True” or “False” value is returned as a consequence of the data assessment. 

They show the user an error message if the condition is “True” since the value is invalid.

Data integrity requirements can be more effectively enforced with the help of these rules. Salesforce checks additional validation rules in the event that a rule fails. Rules for object, field, case milestone, and campaign validation can be created.


45. How Does Salesforce’s Email Template System Work?

Answer: It works like: 

  • Text: These templates can be made or modified by any user in an organization.
  • HTML with letterhead: Users and administrators with the “Edit HTML Templates” access can build these templates using a letterhead as an example. 
  • Custom HTML: These are HTML add-ons that include a letterhead; they are custom HTML. Without the need for letterhead, administrators and users with the permission to “Edit HTML Templates” can build them.
  • Visualforce: Administrators and developers can use Visualforce to construct them. They can merge with the recipient’s data and have other complex functions.


46.  Can You Explain Salesforce Lightning?

Answer: An application development framework based on components, Salesforce Lightning is a set of technologies and tools for efficiently enhancing the performance of the Salesforce platform. Among the tools are aesthetic enhancements and interface optimizations. It streamlines operations for non-technical business users.

  • It facilitates the rapid development of applications that address business challenges and boost participation. Among the most essential aspects is that it makes it easy to create and personalize apps with a drag-and-drop feature.
  • Includes add-ons and tools that facilitate the creation of reusable parts.
  • Access more than fifty partner components on AppExchange. 
  • Offers best practices for user experience and style guidelines for app developers.
  • For applications to access data from external sources that adhere to the OData standard, Lightning Connect is an essential integration tool.


47. Are You Familiar With The Concept Of Bucket Fields In Salesforce Reports?

Answer: Using a bucket field, you can group related data by ranges and segments without resorting to complex algorithms or creating custom fields. One way to organize and sort report data is by using bucketing. When you create a bucket field, you’ll need to provide many buckets to organize report values.


48. Do You Know What Kinds Of Relationships Are Accessible In Salesforce?

Answer: Users have the option to build numerous relationships in Salesforce. Among these are

  • Self-relationship
  • Lookup
  • Indirect lookup
  • External lookup
  • Many-to-many (junction object)
  • Hierarchical
  • Master-detail relationship


49. Can You Explain Salesforce’s “Data Skew”?

Answer: When dealing with large organizations that have more than 10,000 records, you may encounter data skew in Salesforce. Users may experience performance issues when attempting to install updates. The skew in the data is the source of this.


50. Can You Explain Cascade Deletion? 

Answer: When there is a master-detail relationship, cascading deletion occurs. Deleting a parent will also remove all information related to that child.



Since Salesforce is now a part of every company’s effort to automate marketing and sales, the demand for competent Salesforce administrators is through the roof. On the other hand, being well-prepared is crucial because competition is challenging for the top jobs.

Therefore, to excel in your Salesforce admin interview , read these 50 Salesforce Admin Interview Questions.

So,  if you want to impress your interviewer, you need to study them carefully. Also, sign up for Kodakco’s Salesforce admin course right away if you want to ace your Salesforce Admin Interview Questions!



  1. What are the steps to become an administrator in Salesforce?

Ans: Follow these simple steps to become Salesforce Admin:

  •  Acquire knowledge about Salesforce. You can show potential employers that you’re ready to work and improve your abilities by gaining experience with this platform.
  • Complete the Certified Salesforce Administrator test.
  • Search jobs related to Salesforce administrators.
  1. How much does a Salesforce admin course typically cost?

Ans: The Salesforce Administration course costs ₹7,000. And the Salesforce Development course costs ₹9,000. Besides, at ₹15,000, you can get the advanced Salesforce Lightning training.

  1. Is using Salesforce an intimidating task?

Ans: Although it is an entry-level credential, the Salesforce Admin Certification is actually quite challenging. You can choose from more advanced and complex Salesforce certifications like Salesforce Technical Architect and Salesforce Advanced Administrator.

  1. What are the complexities of the Salesforce administrator role?

Ans: There are times when being an administrator for Salesforce is difficult. Many times, other teams or departments may look to you as their go-to guy when they need assistance with it. I can see how this could cause exhaustion.

  1. Does Salesforce administration suit novices?

Ans: Yes, there are entry-level Salesforce certifications available. The Salesforce Associate certification is one example of a certification that is specifically crafted for newcomers, while this is by no means the case for all certificate courses.

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