Best Arabic Language Course- Duration, Course Fee, Scope

Arabic Language Course

As they say, communication is the key to success in your life. And for the best communication in the entire world, you need to learn languages that are spoken and understood worldwide. Arabic is one such language, which is widely used globally. Further, learning the Arabic language course has several amazing benefits too.

Why Arabic Language

Arabic Language Course

Who Needs To Pursue Arabic Language Course

Further, on pursuing the Arabic Language Course, one can successfully and confidently appear in exams like ILÀ, a certificate for learning the Arabic language as well as culture, and ALPT (Arabic Language Proficiency Test), a set standard, globally used for the proficiency of the students learning Arabic Language, wherein 3 papers have to be cleared viz, Presentation, Interaction, and Listening. 

Best Arabic language course- Kodak Consulting

Arabic Language Course



56+ hours of two way interactive live online sessions for all the levels individually.

Course Fees

As decided by the management from time to time.


Anybody can learn a foreign language as such and everyone can pursue Arabic Language Course. However, the basics of English is required to understand the syllabus and the techniques taught at the institute. 

Course study includes

The course contents will be provided in English language and the syllabus includes various Levels, namely:

Level A

At this level, learn in depth Grammar (Pronounce Common names, Adjectives, Prepositions, Future particles, Verbs,etc.), Vocabulary (Personal details, family, jobs, daily routine, colors, imperatives, Biographical details, everyday activities, food, shopping, time, weather etc.) and Linguistic functions (Identifying a person, object, cities, countries, Greetings, Answering questions, Describing oneself, relationships, home, and domain, Describing one’s daily routine with time and space, asking questions about other people’s routine and interests, accepting or refusing a proposal, describing past experience and future desires, etc.) and awareness about cultural differences.

Level B

At this level, learn lexical fields (Personal sphere, Social Interaction, travel, and vacation, Means of communication, books, films, blogs, Idioms,  etc.), grammatical elements (Verbs, hypothetical sentences, connectors, expressions, etc.), and linguistic functions (Articulate a short speech, telling a story, express opinions, feelings, describe place, objects, and people, advise, complain, criticize, compliment, express goals, Understand the standard Arabic language media, correctly grasp the meaning and content of a film or show, understand speeches or messages, effectively transmit information, understand a scientific text, understanding humor, etc.)

Level C

Last but not least, in Level C students will learn to express themselves fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlessly by expressing attitudes, feelings, certainty, probability, and doubt, Expressing opinions tentatively, reacting, developing an argument systematically, Markers to structure and signpost informal speech and writing, Narrative tenses for experiences, Collocations, Colloquial language, Eliminating false friends, Formal and informal registers, etc.. Demonstrate a degree of precision, appropriateness, and ease with the language that typifies the speech of those who have been highly successful learners. Thoroughly develop listening, reading and speaking proficiency.


Our expert team is constantly available to impart internship training to you and clear your doubts immediately. Avail rich experience through the projects given by us during your internship for the Arabic Language Course, which proves to be extremely useful in practical life. 


Add a feather to your cap with the certificate provided by us, post completion of the assessment in the course pursued at our institute.  


Avail eligibility for two years of membership after the completion of the course, whilst you can attain guidance and support from our expert team. Moreover, you will get easy access to the course material during this period as well.

Future Scope


Job Placements

On completion of the entire course at our institute, we provide genuine support to all our students to fetch a suitable job in more than 2100 Companies. 


So, if you are keen on learning the basic fundamentals of Arabic Language, then the only Go-To place for you is Kodakco. If you are 100% dedicated then it’s not at all difficult to learn Arabic. Kodakco is the institute where you get the best renowned team to learn from. Their experience in the field will be of utmost help to you.  Search for Arabic classes near me and enroll now for a better future. Visit our website for more details or reach us on Email:[email protected] for further queries.

Recommended Reads

  1. How to learn the Arabic Language: Step By Step Guide
  2. Explore the Top 7 Arabic Language Courses in Delhi
  3. Top 20 Tips to Learn a Foreign Language
  4. How to Learn English Speaking at Home?


Q1 – Is the Arabic Language Course imparted by Kodakco authentic?

Ans – Yes, this is an absolutely authentic certified course.

Q2 – Is the Arabic language easy to learn?

Ans- Yes, with complete dedication, one can easily learn Arabic language from our experts.

Q3 – Is the certificate provided by Kodakco valid throughout the world?

Ans – Yes, the certificate that we provide is valid worldwide.

Q4 – Is the Arabic language useful in your career?

Ans – Yes, if you want to make a career in it, then you have a lot of opportunities.

Q5 – What’s the language in which the study material is provided?

Ans – The study material will be provided in the English language.

1 thought on “Best Arabic Language Course- Duration, Course Fee, Scope”

  1. Pingback: How to learn the Arabic Language Course: Step By Step Guide - Kodakco Blog

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