basak manjula

Meet Manjula Basak, the passionate wordsmith hailing from West Bengal. With a pen as sharp as my wit, I craft tales that transport readers to exciting adventures of technical documentation or the magical land of creative writing. With 3 years of navigating the labyrinth of words, I expertly delve into technical and creative content writing. When not conjuring narratives, you might catch me lost in Art or exploring adventure movies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education?

In every aspect of life, it’s essential to remember that every coin has two sides. Whether we’re examining personal relationships, professional challenges, or societal issues, there are always multiple perspectives to consider. Recognizing and understanding these dual facets can lead to more balanced and informed decisions. By appreciating the complexity of different viewpoints, we can navigate conflicts and find common ground more effectively.

Team Leader's Job Description

Team Leader’s Job Description: A Definitive Guide

Do you know what a team leader’s job description looks like? Whether you’re looking to hire a new team leader or you’re aspiring to become one, this guide is for you. We break down the key responsibilities and duties of a team leader, providing you with the insights needed to excel in this crucial role. Learn how effective leadership can drive team performance and organizational success.